Segregation and its impact on the strength of the concrete !!!!!!
Written by Sudip Ghimire on 03 Oct 2020 | Views: 2289
Segregation is the separation and cement paste and aggregate of concrete with each other during handling and placement. Segregation also happens due to over vibration of the concrete during compaction where cement paste comes to top of the concrete and aggregate settles at the bottom.
Segregation affects the strength and durability of the concrete. In a concrete all the aggregate is coated with cement paste and forms a homogeneous mix but due to the jerks and vibrations, aggregate gets separated from the cement paste.
Causes of Segregation in concrete
Precaution that should be applied to control segregation
Water cement ratio should be properly maintained during concreting. Low water content as well as high content in concrete results in segregation so water content should be properly checked during concrete batching.
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