Municipality Norms you should know before you build your house...
Written by Sudip Ghimire on 29 Mar 2021 | Views: 5678
Municipality Norms you should know before you build your house.
1. Ground Coverage
2. FAR
3. Building height
4. Setback
5. Right of Way (ROW)
1. Ground Coverage
Ground Coverage means area covered by the building immediately above the ground level contiguous to the building. Covered area does not include the space covered by ramps around the building, roof of basement floor beyond the plinth of the building projecting above the ground level, structures for services permitted in the setback area, garden, rocky area, well and well structures, plant, nursery, water pool, swimming pool (if uncovered) platform around a tree, tank, fountain, bench with open top and unenclosed sides by walls cut outs and ducts which are open to sky and the like drainage, culvert, conduit, catch-pit, gully-pit, chamber gutter and the like, within the site, compound or boundary wall, gate, unstoreyed porch and portico, Chajja, slide, swing, uncovered staircase, watchman booth, pump house and the like within the site.
It is calculated as,
Plinth area of the building
GCR :- -------------------------------------- X 100
Total site area
2. FAR (Floor Area Ratio)
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) indicates the correlation between the plot area on which the building is constructed and the building floor area that can be used or is allowed to be used. A higher floor area ratio implies an urban or denser construction. FAR guidelines are determined by the municipalities and differ from one locality to another.
Total Building Floor Area
Floor Area Ratio :- -----------------------------------------
Gross Plot Area
3. Building height
The height of building or construction from the average floor level to the top (highest) surface level with respect to the flat roof structure. If the building has a sloped roof of 25- 30 degree, the highest point of the building shall be measured at the mid-level. If the roof of a building has a sloped roof less, then 25 degrees the highest point of the building shall be measured till the eaves.
4. Setback Line
The line fixed by the concerned authority inside the plot, especially parallel to the borderline of the plot. No construction shall be allowed in the space between this line and the border of the plot. The outside wall shall be measured from the outer face of any structure, such as roof overhangs, eaves, balconies, that is projecting most outward from the wall.
5. Right of Way (ROW)
The ROW is defined as a land corridor designed or constructed for the use of public access, vehicular traffic circulation and the location of public utilities such as pathways, roads and highways, regardless of the ownership of the land.
– The ROW might be fixed as equal distance (D) on each side from a central line of public roads and is represented in the Land Use Plan in the map ―Road Network – ROW.
– where ROW has been fixed, buildings and parts of buildings may not cross this line.
– where ROW is not fixed, the minimum of ROW shall be 6M in all new build-up areas.
– Where a Setback Line has not been fixed in the Land Use Map of the Local Authority,
1 Meter minimum distance should be kept from the ROW with any building or structure. Minor projections by parts of buildings as sun and rain protections, cantilevers and entrance steps may be permitted only in the Setback. Balconies, rooms and open ladder staircases cannot be constructed within the set-back. Compound walls in the Setback might be only allowed in lower density residential areas with detached buildings.
भवन निर्माण सम्पन्न प्रमाणपत्र लिनको लागि चाहिने आवश्यक कागजातहरु । । । ।तपाईंले घर वा भवन निर्माण सम्पन्न गरिसकेपछि महानगर वा नगरपालिकाबाट निर्माण सम्पन्न प्रमाणपत्र अनिवार्य लिनुपर्ने हुन्छ ।जबसम्म तपाईंले नगरपालिकाबाट निर्माण सम्पन्न प्रमाणपत्र लिनुहुन्न तबसम्म तपाईंले आफ्नो घर धितोमा राखेर ऋण लिन पनि पाउनु हुन्न ।
Segregation of Concrete !!!!!!Segregation and its impact on the strength of the concrete !!!!!!
नयाँ इनार कुन दिसा मा खन्ने, कुन बार खन्दा राम्रो, कुन महिना खन्दा राम्रो ??नयाँ इनार खन्नका लागि उपर्युक्त दिसा, महिना, बार का बारेमा जान्न चाहनु हुन्छ भने एक पटक अवस्य पढ्नु होला । ।
Gwarko mini bazar
Gwarko, Lalitpur